What Is a Slot?


The slot is a narrow opening or space in a machine or container; also: a hole, slit, vent, or aperture. He dropped a coin into the slot and dialed. To put something into a slot is to insert it; to do so in a way that fits readily or easily: She slotted the seat belt into place. A slot in a schedule or program is an allocation of time; also: a position, appointment, or job: He was given the slot as chief copy editor.

The random number generator in a slot is what determines the outcome of every spin. The RNG produces a sequence of numbers, which is then mapped to reel locations by the computer. The three numbers that correspond to the slot location are then compared with an internal sequence table and the appropriate stop is triggered.

It’s important for a player to understand that the probabilities of each payout listed on the paytable are not equal. If the payouts were all zero, it would be impossible to win at slots. Having entries with different probabilities is what makes the game exciting to play.